Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Been Awhile.

Wow! It sure has been awhile since I have posted something. Lots going on.
Hannah is now in school. And is loving it and is doing amazing!! I am soo proud of her. She is now reading. She has a best friend named Julia. She met her on day one and they get along like two peas in a pod! Just too cute. I hope they stay friends in the years to come.
Justin is in preschool and is also doing great as well. Growing like a weed and as bad as ever!
Hannah has lost two teeth already. Amazing. Sure is hard being a tooth fairy. Let me tell you!! LOL.
Well. I had my Gall Bladder out in October 2009. And while they were in me they noticed that I had "non alcoholic Liver Decease". I have been sent to a Liver Specialist to make sure I don't have what Mom had. Which I don't! And I have had two appointments with a Dietician. Everyone is telling me I must loose weight. Or this will get out of control and I will need a Liver transplant some day. Or it will effect my heart.
I have lost 12.5 pounds so far. Amazing really. The liver specialist put me on High Blood Pressure pills, Omega 3's and vit d's as well. I think the pills are helping me loose weight a bit too. Plus I don't have that tight feeling in my chest when the kids act up. I feel more at ease and don't yell so much at them. So in a way I am glad I am on the damn pills. Maybe down the road when I loose more I can get off them.
That's all that is new here. I will write more....

Saturday, August 29, 2009

No longer my babies!

In three days Hannah will be off to school. I have not really thought about it. But when I do my chest gets a bit tight. I know that she will be perfectly fine. I think it is just due to the safety issue. She will be away from me from 8:30 to 2:30 Monday to Friday. She is not even five yet. Oh, I know she will make tons of friends and have loads of fun. And will learn lots. And it will be a whole new adventure for us as parents as well. Lots of new things!
Justin will be going to preschool on September 15th. I do think he is ready. But again he will be a young three walking in the doors. NOT even three really.Three that week. I was wishy washy about enrolling him due to this. And the fact that at the time he was rebounding in the toilet training area. But he sure has come along way in just a few weeks. He is such a big boy and keeps telling us that too.I am soo proud of him.
Actually I am sooo proud of both of myt kids. I love them to peices! I truly do. Sometimes life throws you a curve ball but you hit as hard as you can I guess. LMAO!!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

It's been awhile...

Well, it is now August and it has been busy for us. Hannah has been in two Summer camps so far and goes to another next week and the week after. She is also in out door Soccer twice a week for an hour. She seems to really enjoy it. Get frustrated when another player takes the ball from her and she pays attention to how many goals she gets as well. I love to watch her play.
Justin is doing well with potty training. He still has his accidents mind you. So I am a bit concerned if he will be ready to go to preschool in September. I am sure gonna try. He might just surprise me like his older sister did. He will be going to gymnastics in September and am looking forward to seeing how he likes it. As well as playing in "little kickers". It's the best when they turn three as that's when all the fun stuff starts.
It has been a busy Summer here.We have been trying to take the kids out and do things with them. We took them across on the ferry this weekend and had lunch in Downtown Halifax. We took them to Public Gardens a few weeks ago. We still plan on taking them to the Truro Exhibition at the end of this month.
Robin has just celebrated his 38th Birthday last Sunday. I bought him a "reel mower". Seem pretty neat. I might even be able to mow the lawn now.Yeah!!
Our 6th Anniversary is coming up. It would be be nice to go out but not sure how that will work out. We are going out this weekend and have Michelle coming over to babysit both Friday night and Saturday night. Friday Robin's work is going out and Sunday Andrew Kent ( my cousin) is getting married. It'll be nice to get out even though I feel guilty being away from the kids two nights in a row!
So that is all that is new here. I'll try and write soon.I love to write things dwon. So much fun!!!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

My life is going to change from here on out!

Both kids wake up at 7 am. Sometimes either one will wake up a bit earlier than that but neither is allowed out of their rooms till 7am. Hannah will come into our room at exactly 7:01 to ask for the TV on. Then Justin will start banging on his door wanting out. Well when you get both kids in one room with out us. All hell breaks loose! House is destroyed and there is yelling and fights!
When I woke up this AM I found pen marks on my WALLS! I was sooo mad. I have finally come to the conclusion that I need to get up with the kids at 7AM. Not sure HOW I am going to do this and make it through the day. I do know Other Moms do this but I have been able to trust my kids. Well Hannah anyways. She would always get up in the past and be sooo good by herself. My house would not be destroyed! She was great being by herself. But now that Jusitn gets up I can not trust either one!
So yes, that is one change in my life. ANd now that I am getting up so early I need to start cleaning the house up. I need to get off this computer and do things around the house. I need to start drinking water and get my energy up so I can get off my ass and do things! Sigh!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

My poor Justin!

Usually in the AMs Justin would bang on his door telling me he is up and wants out of his room (we close his door at night.) But this am he didn't do this at all. Never heard a peep from him. So at 8:00 I went in to see him and there he was laying on his bed awake. That is not my boy!! The way his face was was just not right. Us Mom's know their kids and know when something is wrong. I gave him his puffers as I was told to do. Then at 10:30 it seemed he was having problems.So I gave him another shot.I went in to check on him again and it seemed his lips were a bit blue (in my opinion--- hard to tell). So Hubby and I decided to take him to the hospital.We get there and they check his oxygen level and it's fine. That's good.But they gave him FIVE puffs of a puffer!!! They gave one puff and waited for him to breath that in (about 10 breaths) then shot another one. Till they reached five!! Then they gave him oral steroid too. Then they sent us home. So now I have to give him one puffer twice a day. And another puffer every four hours for at least two days (or when ever needed). So yup that is my life right now. Thankfully he was not admitted this time around and we can get this fixed sooner than later! Wish us luck!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Hannah and her play date.

Hannah had one of her friends over for a play date yesterday. Her name is Nirah and they are best buds in Preschool. Oh they had soo much fun together. Nirah came over after school. Her Mom picked her up and drove her over here. I made lunch for the three of them. Nothing too specail. Just frozen pizzas and a chocolate chip cookie for dessert. Home made none the less! They had popcorn for a mid afternoon snack too!
The girls were all over the place. First they checked out Hannah's room. Then they went downstairs and outside, in the living room. Even Played in Justin's room for a bit. Then back outside for some more fun. They were busy all afternoon.
When school was let out at 3:00 I took them and Justin to the school playground. They had a blast. They ran around. Up and down the slides. Then went and ran the soccer field at least twice!
We finally came home and they played some more!
Poor Justin was just a bit bored I think as the girls kind of ignored him. Oh well I am sure when he gets a bit older that he will get play dates too.
When Nirah's Dad came and got her at 5:00 she did not want to leave. It seemed she had as much fun as Hannah did!!
Hannah was soo tired today after her big day yesterday. I cought her dozing in a chair watching TV!! Too funny. Couldn't help but laugh at that!
I had soo much fun watching these two friends play!! I hope to get them together again very soon!!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

My Baby is off to school in FOUR months!!

Come September my life will change. Hannah will be in school for five hours a day, five days a week! Justin will be in preschool come September as well. He will be there two days a week for two and a half hours. So I will lots of spare time on my hands. And I will love it. I am sure I will be lost for a bit. But you know what? I will get used to it pretty quickly! And I will LOVE it!
I can not believe that my baby girl will be off to school in four months. It blows my mind! I think, come September our lives will change a great deal!
Hannah will be a young student as she will still be four.She will be five in November. But I think she is ready to go.
She is to get her five year needle at the end of this month. Not too sure how that will go down. She has had blood tests done over the last few years but her last needle was when she was a baby. She was a bit difficult getting her blood t done. So I am worried about how this will go. Thankfully Robin has taken that day off.
Then the beginning of June is going to be a busy time. Her orientation is in June.. She will be going to school from 9:00 to 11:00 that day to see what it's all about. We, her parents go the same time for our orientation as well. I am looking forward to this. Hubby will be coming too.
Then June 12th is her last day of preschool and her graduation day! And again Robin will be coming. This is one day I will sure to get teary eyed. I will be a very proud Momma for sure!